15/7/2016 The world-leading education and business experts who will form Scotland’s new International Council of Education Advisers have been confirmed. The ten members have extensive experience advising educators and governments on education leadership, school improvement and reform in countries including the US, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Malaysia,…
read more10 May 2016, Billund, Denmark: The LEGO Foundation has interviewed Pasi Sahlberg, Finnish education expert and visiting professor of practice at Harvard Graduate School of Education, about his view on quality learning, school systems and standardised tests. Q: How do you define quality learning? A: Quality learning for me is when you infuse curiosity, active engagement and meaning-making…
read moreThis spring our students of AT-103 at Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) have studied teacher policies in six different education systems. With kind support from respective education authorities students have taken closer look at various aspects of the teaching profession in these jurisdictions. On Friday April 22nd we will have an unique opportunity to discuss these case studies with some of the education authorities…
read more12-5-2016 Former schoolteacher Pasi Sahlberg is the winner of the LEGO® Prize 2016. Finnish Sahlberg wins for his work to improve the quality of children’s education worldwide. The price was presented at the LEGO Foundation’s annual LEGO Idea Conference in Denmark, which gathers academics, practitioners and representatives from educational organisations.
read more3-27-2016 This new handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the ways in which domestic education policy is framed and influenced by global institutions and actors. It is edited by Karen Mundy, Andy Green and Antoni Verger and published as a 630 page and 32 chapter volume by Wiley-Blackwell. Book Surveys current debates about the role of education in a global polity, highlights key transnational policy…
read more1-5-2016 I am honored to engage in a conversation with distinguished colleagues and students about Finnish Lessons 2.0 at HGSE’s Distinguished Author Series book talk on Tuesday February 9th. I will speak about the main impact of this book globally and outline some main misinterpretations of it in the U.S. and beyond. I will be joined to discuss these issues by Boston College Professor Andy Hargreaves, Vermont…
read more11-12-2015 Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö on asettanut johtoryhmän tukemaan peruskoulun uudistamisen kärkihankkeen toteutusta. Ryhmän toimikausi kestää 28.2.2019 asti. Johtoryhmän puheenjohtajina toimivat opetus- ja kulttuuriministeri Sanni Grahn-Laasonensekä valtiosihteeri Olli-Pekka Heinonen.…
read more12-10-2015 Oulun yliopiston hallitukseen on valittu kolme uutta ulkopuolista jäsentä yliopistokollegion kokouksessa 12.10.2015. Hallituksessa on kaikkiaan kuusi jäsentä yliopiston ulkopuolelta ja kuusi yliopistoyhteisön edustajaa. Kolme uutta ulkopuolista jäsentä valittiin 1.1.2016 alkaen neljäksi vuodeksi. Nyt valitut uudet jäsenet ovat Kelan pääjohtaja, hammaslääketieteen tohtori, valtiotieteiden…
read moreThis coming academic year (2015/2016) I will teach new course at Harvard Graduate School of Education called Hard Questions on Global Educational Change. It will focus on some of the most widely and passionately debated issues in current education reforms and help students to improve their skills to communicate their ideas and views. Classes run from September to late April on Wednesdays at 4pm (EST). Following is the description…
read moreIn April 2015, the Swedish Government appointed the Schools Commission that is chaired by Anna Ekström. She is Director General of the Swedish National Agency of Education (Skolverket). School Commission main task is to follow up the recommendations made by OECD’s education policy review that was published in Stockholm in early May. The recommendations of the OECD report focus on three priorities: conditions that promote…
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