500 sanaa koulusta: Kolumneja matkan varrelta
Pasi Sahlberg
Julkaistu: 2. tammikuuta 2025
Sivuja: 130
Tämän kirjan 54 kolumnia on kirjoitettu Opettaja-lehteen vuosien 2004–2016 aikana. Tuolle ajanjaksolle mahtuu Maailmanpankin lisäksi työrupeamat Euroopan koulutussäätiössä Torinossa, Kansainvälisen liikkuvuuden ja yhteistyön keskuksessa (CIMO) Helsingissä ja Harvardin yliopistossa Yhdysvalloissa. Opettaja-lehti kutsui minut koulutuksen kirjeenvaihtajan rooliin kommentoimaan kasvavaa kiinnostusta suomalaista koulua kohtaan maailmalta käsin ja samalla kertomaan lehden lukijoille mitä koulutuksen saralla tapahtuu muualla.
Kolumnit niiden jatkoksi valitut kommentit ovat ajankuvia tarkasteltuna tutkimuksen, koulutuspolitiikan ja käytännön koulutyön linssien läpi. Näin jälkeenpäin luettuna joitakin asioita kirjoittaisin ehkä hieman toisin. Mutta monen asian kohdalla näen asiat niin kuin ne on tässä kirjassa kirjoitettu. Lukijan tehtävä on päättää, kuinka osuvasti olen kutakin teemaa onnistunut aikanaan käsittelemään.
Tässä kirjassa kolumnit on jaettu neljään lukuun ja jokaisen luvun alkuun on kirjoitettu tekstiä, joka kertoo siitä elämänvaiheesta, työtehtävästäni ja koulutuspolitiikan vaiheesta, jota elettiin Suomessa ja maailmalla.
Lataa e-kirja tästä linkistä.
Viittausohje: Sahlberg, P. (2025). 500 sanaa koulusta. Kolumneja matkan varrelta. Kokkola: Licence to Learn.
In Teachers We Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools
by Pasi Sahlberg and Timothy D. Walker
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Publication Date: March 23, 2021
Pages: 216
In the spring of 2018, thousands of teachers across the United States—in states like Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Arizona—walked off their jobs while calling for higher wages and better working conditions. Ultimately, these American educators trumpeted a simple request: treat us like professionals. Teachers in many other countries feel the same way as their US counterparts.
In Teachers We Trust presents a compelling vision, offering practical ideas for educators and school leaders wishing to develop teacher-powered education systems. It reveals why teachers in Finland hold high status and shows what the country’s trust- based school system looks like in action.
Pasi Sahlberg and Timothy D. Walker suggest seven key principles for building a culture of trust in schools, from offering clinical training for future teachers to encouraging student agency to fostering a collaborative professionalism among educators. In Teachers We Trust is essential reading for all teachers, administrators, and parents who entrust their children to American schools.
Read a sample chapter here.
Finnish Lessons 3.0
What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?
by Pasi Sahlberg
Publication Date: January 8, 2021
Pages: 264
In the midst of national education reforms and global changes driven by public health crises and economic turbulence, Finnish Lessons 3.0 encourages teachers, students, and policymakers to think big and bold when they look for new solutions to improving their schools and entire education systems. This edition provides an even deeper dive into the present world of education in Finland in light of the most recent education statistics and international data, including PISA 2018, TIMSS 2016, and TALIS 2018.
Let the Children Play
Why More Play Will Save Our Schools and Help Children Thrive
by Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle
Publication Date: July 1, 2019
Pages: 360
Play is how children explore, discover, fail, succeed, socialize, and flourish. It is a fundamental element of the human condition. It's the key to giving schoolchildren skills they need to succeed--skills like creativity, innovation, teamwork, focus, resilience, expressiveness, empathy, concentration, and executive function. Expert organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Centers for Disease Control agree that play and physical activity are critical foundations of childhood, academics, and future skills--yet politicians are destroying play in childhood education and replacing it with standardization, stress, and forcible physical restraint, which are damaging to learning and corrosive to society.
FinnishED Leadership: Four Big, Inexpensive Ideas to Transform Education (Corwin Impact Leadership Series)
Improve overall school performance from start to Finnish!
by Pasi Sahlberg
Publication Date: January 1, 2018
Pages: 120
Exploring and analyzing how Finland consistently places at or near the top of international student assessments, especially PISA, has become popular in recent years. Pasi Sahlberg now explores this phenomenon from the perspective of the educational leader. With the culture of general and educational leadership in Finland as a backdrop, this resource is packed with strategies and tools that travel well. Rooted in four main ideas, this book covers topics such as:
- Enhancing equity is an essential component of success
- Physical activity is crucial for substantial learning
- Embedding ideas into your current leadership practices takes perseverance
Empowered Educators in Finland
How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality 1st Edition
by Karen Hammerness, Raisa Ahtiainen, Pasi Sahlberg
Publication Date: April 3, 2017
Pages: 96
Empowered Educators in Finland is one volume in a series that explores how high- performing educational systems from around the world achieve strong results. The anchor book, Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World, is written by Linda Darling-Hammond and colleagues, with contributions from the authors of this volume.
Empowered Educators in Finland explores Finland's unique approach to teacher training that, combined with a national focus on equity and children, has led to strong student results on the OECD PISA and other international tests.
Since the 1930s, every child born in Finland has been provided with a box of clothes, sheets, toys, diapers, and even a small mattress; the box itself can—and often does—serve as a simple crib. Intended to ensure that all Finnish children begin with the essentials, this box also serves as a clear symbol of the nation's emphasis on equality and opportunity.
This book describes how what is commonly thought to be "just a part of Finnish culture" is actually the result of strong support for educators at all levels of government. From the Ministry of Education and Culture, to the Finnish National Board of Education, to regional and local policy makers, Finland has made deliberate choices to create and support a strong educational system. While there are unique political, cultural, and societal features of Finland—as with all countries—there are many lessons to be learned and practical ideas to be implemented across the world.
Hard Questions on Global Educational Change
Policies, Practices, and the Future of Education
Pasi Sahlberg, Jonathan Hasak, Vanessa Rodriguez
Publication Date: December 30, 2016
Pages: 144
This new book, from internationally renowned education scholar Pasi Sahlberg and his colleagues, focuses on some of the most controversial issues in contemporary education reform around the world. The authors devote a chapter to each of these “hard questions”:
- Does parental choice improve education systems?
- Is there a future for teacher unions?
- What is the right answer to the standardized testing question?
- Can schools prepare children for the 21st-century workplace?
- Will technology save schools?
- Can anyone be a teacher?
- Should higher education be for the public good?
- What knowledge and skills should an educator have?
Each educational change question sheds much-needed light on today’s large-scale education policies and related reforms around the world. The authors focus on what makes each question globally significant, what we know from international research, and what can be inferred from benchmark evidence. The final chapter offers a model for policymakers with implications for teaching, learning, and schooling overall.
Read sample HQGEC_Chapter 1.