Selected videos about Education and more
“Finnish Lessons Speaking Tour started in November in Alberta, Canada and continued in the United States. This recording is from the presentation made at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, in December 2011. It is titled “Finnish Lessons: What the U.S. can learn from educational change in Finland?”. 70’00”
– Invited lecture at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee on December 9, 2011.
“Today The Conversation presents a discussion between two of the world’s leading education experts on how Australia can learn from others and improve its educational outcomes. Professor John Hattie is director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education. His influential 2008 book Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement is believed to be the world’s largest evidence-based study into the factors which improve student learning.”
– Conversation about school improvement at the University of Melbourne with Professor John Hattie, September 26, 2012
“As part of an upcoming hour-long focus on education, Need to Know’s Alison Stewart spoke with a leading educator from Finland and former senior adviser in Finland’s Ministry of Education named Pasi Sahlberg. Sahlberg discussed how Finland turned its education system around, and how the United States might learn from Finland’s experience.”
Need to Know: Why Finland leads the world in education, On PBS with Alison Stewart, New York City, NY, December 10, 2010
“Finland’s education authority Pasi Sahlberg joins Lateline to discuss the nation’s world-leading education system.”
– ABC Lateline with Emma Alberici: Highly educated teacher the key to success, ABC Melbourne, February 29, 2012
“TEDxEast brings the spirit of the TED conference to New York City- hosting some of the world’s most fascinating thinkers, doers and teachers to inspire attendees to create greater impact with their ideas. And true to the format of the TED conference, TEDxEast presenters will give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less.”
– “GERM that kills schools” in TEDxEast in New York City, NY, May 11, 2012
“Is the Finnish system an unattainable paradise? Or could something like this be achievable with one simple step…If we abolished private schools, could we create a genuinely fair system? Or would we just damage the one we have by getting rid of some of our best schools?”
– Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia, September 29, 2012
“The key to more successful education reforms is to build them on shared and inspiring dream, sustained implementation over time, and right targeting of resources”
– The 2103 Grawemeyer Education Award interview in Louisville, KY, April 11, 2013
“What can the world learn from educational change in Finland? Pasi Sahlberg, director general of the Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation, discussed Finland’s approach to education”
– Askwith Forum at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, April 23, 2013
“As Houston strives to remain at the forefront of a rapidly changing global economy, there are few things as essential as the quality of our public schools. We will sink or swim based on the skills, creativity and entrepreneurship of our local graduates. What can we learn from top performing systems like Finland — not just at home, but worldwide?”
– Houston Challenge A+: Finnish Lessons fro Texas, Houston, TX, October 3, 2013
“What if Finland’s great teachers taught in your school? In this talk I gave in Doha’s WISE 2013 conference I challenge common thinking that the silver bullet to better schools is to find the best and the brightest into teaching profession. Teaching is team work and teachers can help one another to do better than they are alone”
– WISE 2013: What if Finland’s great teachers taught in your school?, Doha, Qatar, October 29, 2013
“Finnish Educationalist Pasi Sahlberg explains why we should ignore the reform strategies put forward by successive British politicians who dismiss the potential lessons of Finish educational reform because of their ideological inconvenience. Sahlberg explains how equity results in higher educational outcomes and more equal educational opportunities for all children. This channel is dedicated to the eradication of educational inequality in England. The films listed here, produced by educational filmmaker Rhonda Evans, highlight this perennial and ingrained blight on our nation, as well as offering possible solutions.”
– Royal Society of Arts: Educational inequality in England, London, England, April 7, 2014
In this year’s R.W.B. Jackson Lecture, Dr. Pasi Sahlberg argues that having better teachers in schools will not automatically improve students’ learning outcomes and that teachers alone cannot overcome the societal issues affecting children’s opportunities to learn. Following a brief introduction to teacher policies in Finland, Dr. Sahlberg puts forward an intriguing question: Why the quality of Finland’s education system can exceed the quality of its teachers. (Viewing requires registration that is free)
– R.W.B. Jackson Lecture 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 17, 2014
“Author Pasi Sahlberg compares quality of teachers around the world.” 5’14”
– CCTV America: Head of the Class, Washington, DC, September 10, 2015
“Vision for Change” at the New York Times Higher Education Forum. 10’26”
– Vision for Change, New York City, June 21,2016
“Happy Birthday, Finland” –December 6, 2017
“Teaching for global competences”, QUDWA Forum 2019