Media coverage of Finnish Lessons
Holyrood Magazine, 11/2/2010: Interview
The New York Times, 12/12/2011: From Finland, an intriguing school-reform model
The New Republic, 28/1/2011: The Children Must Play
The Atlantic, 29/12/2011: What Americans keep ignoring about Finland's school success
Didactief, 10/6/2012: Geef leraren vertrouwen (in Dutch)
Books, 15/9/2012: L'autonomie, voila le secret de l'ecole Finlandaise (in French)
Gazette Focus, 15/9/2012: Finnish Lessons for Kiwi Schools
O Pais, 27/2/2012: O que a Finlandia pode ensinar ao mundo (in Portuguese)
Lärarnas Nyheter, 6/2/2012: Frihet formade finsk framgång (in Swedish)
El Norte, 5/3/2012: Ofrecen ejemplo educativo (in Spanish)
Truthout, 20/8/2012: The Finnish Alternative: Reclaiming public education from corporate reform
The Guardian, 16/2/2013: Finland has an education system that the US should envy - and learn from
Askwith Forum, 25/4/2013: Sahlberg Advocates for “Finnish Way” at Askwith Forum
El Pais (Uruguay), 27/4/2013: Las escuelas más pobres deben recibir más dinero (in Spanish)
Sitka Sentinel, 30/4/2013: Finnish Educator Stresses Play in Early Grades
El Pais (Uruguay). 30/4/2013: Sueño (in Spanish)
Globe and Mail, 8/5/2013: How do Finnish kids excel without rote learning and standardized testing?
The Guardian, 1/7/2013: Finland's Education Ambassador Spreads the Word
Singapore TODAY, 9/7/2013: Singapore Should not be Finland
The Atlantic, 11/7/2013: The Secret of Finland's Success with Schools, Moms, Kids, - and Everything Else
Forbes India, 12/7/2013: Learning from Finland
The New York Times, 13/7/2013: The Trouble with Testing Mania
The Times of India, 12/8/2013: Lessons for Life
Die Zeit, 5/9/2013: Wir vertrauen ihnen
Letra Urbana, 1/10/2013: Pasi Sahlberg, embajador de un éxito global
Holyrood Magazine, 9/10/2013: Northern exposure: Interview with Pasi Sahlberg
Education Week, 31/10/2013: The Finnish Paradox
IMAGE, 31/1/2014: Näin koulu ei kehity
Yliopisto-lehti, 31/1/2014: Koulu ei ole kilpailu
Al-Fanar, 8/5/2014: Lessons from Finland: A conversation with Pasi Sahlberg (in Arabic here)
Harvard Ed Magazine, summer 2014: Lecture Hall: Visiting Professor Pasi Sahlberg
La Tercera, 15/1/2015: Académico de Harvard especializado en educación (in Spanish)
Õpetajate Leht, 16/1/2015: Mis juhtuks, kui Soome suurepärased õpetajad töötaksid USA koolides?
The Jerusalem Post, 11/5/2015: Improving equity key to improving education system
Pedagogiska Magasinet, 24/11/2015: Skolkaren som slåss för en bättre skola
Folha de Sao Paulo, 23/4/2018: Uso intenso de celular por jovens prejudica o ensino
Läraren, 28-2-2019: Utbildningsvärldens iPhone kommer inte från Finland
AEU News Magazine, 2-2019: The Perfect Finnish