I have been enjoying several great conversations with colleagues and educators around the world this year that have also been recorded as podcasts. Here are some of those listed in random order. Thank you to all my hosts of these episodes. I hope you’ll like to listen these.
PODCAST: Reimagine schools with Greg Goins
Finnish Lessons with Pasi Sahlberg
In this episode, Finnish educator, author and scholar Dr. Pasi Sahlberg shares insights from his upcoming book, Finnish Lessons 3.0: What can the world learn from educational change in Finland? that will be released in 2021. Sahlberg also reflects on his friendship with the late Sir Ken Robinson, shares a behind the scenes look at conversations with various Prime Ministers and influential decision-makers on systematic change in education and offers advice on how to create your very own Finland Education Model, using many of the guiding principles of the world’s top school system.
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PODCAST: The Art of Teaching with Mathew Green
If you haven’t heard of Professor Pasi Sahlberg then please spend a few moments looking through his resources.According to his biography Pasi is a Finnish educator and scholar. He has worked as school teacher, teacher educator and policy advisor in Finland and has studied education systems and reforms around the world. His expertise include school improvement, international education issues, classroom teaching and learning, and school leadership. Previously he was the Director General of CIMO (Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation) in Helsinki and currently a visiting Professor of Practice at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education. I first heard about him during my Masters Degree. His book Finnish Lessons has dramatically changed the way that I viewed education and teaching. The book is captivating and it is one of the only books that I have read in an entire day from cover to cover. I learnt that there are multiple ways to approach the teaching profession and that the profession should be reserved esteemed and admired. His book details the complexities of educational change and teacher training.
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PODCAST: The Art of Manliness
My guest today says that the Finnish model of education and parenting, with its heavy emphasis on play, is worth replicating in other countries. His name is Pasi Sahlberg and he’s a Finnish educator and researcher currently living in Australia, as well as the co-author, along with William Doyle, of the book Let the Children Play: How More Play Will Save Our Schools and Help Children Thrive. Pasi begins our conversation by sharing what the data says as to how much less kids are playing today than they did in the past, and the factors that have led to this decrease both at school and at home. We discuss the fact that even the play kids do now engage in is more structured and adult-directed, even sometimes involving something called a “recess coach,” and how this has led to the sad phenomenon of children who no longer know how to play on their own. We then discuss what is lost when kids don’t play enough, from a decline in physical and mental confidence to a decrease in creativity. We end our conversation with the elements of healthy play that educators and parents who want to revive it can look to incorporate in their children’s lives.
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PODCAST: Unstress with Dr. Ron Ehrlich
“In Teacher We trust”
My guest this week is Pasi Sahlberg. Pasi is a Finnish educator and author who has worked in the Finnish education system as both a teacher and a policymaker. In this episode, we discuss the differences between the Australian and Nordic education systems, NAPLAN tests, the idea of “play theory” and so much more.
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PODCAST: Finnish Education Perspectives with Melissa Georgiou
It was hard to contain my excitement (and chatter) while speaking with Pasi. In this podcast the themes discussed were:
- The concept of trust and how it works in schools.
- How to build a trust-based culture within a school.
- How Finland emerged as a trust-based education system after years of top-down control.
- Inequality and inequity in Australian and Finnish education.
- Accountability in education.
A conversation that’s sure to get you thinking about trust in education and how it transpires in a variety of settings.
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PODCAST: Innovator Diaries with Ricardo
Pasi Sahlberg is an award-winning educator and author who originally hails from Finland. Pasi Sahlberg is a professor not just by profession but also by heart. He is also called the School Improvement Activist as he has advised governments around the world on this matter. Pasi Sahlberg currently resides in Australia, working as a Professor of Education Policy at the University of New South Wales. Meet Pasi Sahlberg.
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PODCAST: Australian Educators Online Network
“The Power of Play”
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PODCAST: FreshEd Podcast with Will Brehm
“Trust, Flexibility & Learning During Covid – 19 in Finland”
Today we explore the response of the Finnish education system to the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlike many countries with children out of school, the narrative of “learning loss” never emerged. In fact, as Pasi Sahlberg tells me, the opposite happened. Pasi Sahlberg is a professor of education policy at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He’s been a regular on FreshEd for the past five years. His latest books include Finnish Lessons 3.0: What can the world learn from educational change in Finland (2021), and In Teachers We Trust: The Finnish way to world-class schools, which was co-authored with Tim Walker (2021). Today we discuss these books in relation to the pandemic. Citation: Sahlberg, Pasi, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 235, podcast audio, April 5, 2021. https://freshedpodcast.com/sahlberg-2/
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PODCAST: The Learnerspace Conversations
“Education as a Grassroots Movement”
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PODCAST: Knowledgehook Podcast
“In Teachers We Trust”
Pasi Sahlberg introduces us to his recently published book which is co-authored by American educator, Tim Walker. Pasi is a renowned Finnish education expert who has worked at the World Bank, the European Commission, Harvard University, and is currently a professor of education policy at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. In his new book, Pasi and Tim explore the concept of trust and how trust in educators is a foundational element of any high-quality education systems. We learn first about the culture of trust in Finland and then Pasi highlights strategies that can be implemented to increase trust within education systems around the world.
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PODCAST: The Ezra Zaid Project
“What We Learn When We Let Kids Play?”
Pasi Sahlberg puts forth the case as to why play is an essential part of every child’s life. We discover the benefits of children and young people when they follow their own ideas and interests, in their own way, and for their own reasons. What’s the most convincing evidence in favour of play? Also, a tribute to Sir Ken Robinson.BioPasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and a global leader in education reform. As a policy advisor in Finland, he has studied education systems and advised education leaders around the world. Pasi was awarded the Lego Prize in 2016 for his dedication to improve the lives of children around the world. As an author, his book “Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland” won the 2013 Grawemeyer Award. In 2019, he and William Doyle co-authored Let the Children Play: Why More Play Will Save Our Schools and Help Children Thrive.He is currently a Professor of Education Policy and Deputy Director of the Gonski Institute at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Episode Structure 0:33 – At a playground in Finland, children play 1:50 – Observation: what happens when you just let kids play 4:41 – Ezra’s introduction: can we rethink how children learn 6:11 – The challenges of defining ‘play’ 8:57 – Structured learning vs. unstructured free play 12:30 – The importance of conversations between parents, children and educators 16:47 – How do we develop the pedagogy of play 22:15 – Understanding more about children’s resilience 28:00 – Developing executive functions in early years 30:04 – Where is the most convincing evidence in favour of play? 36:35 – Realigning the understanding of ‘play’ 41:04 – Great ideas are being blocked due to lack of conversations 45:13 – Outro and credits 46:54
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PODCAST: OPPIVA-verkosto podcast
Tässä podcastissa professori Pasi Sahlberg pohtii pandemian vaikutuksia globaalista näkökulmasta. Podcastissa ollaan seuraavien teemojen äärellä: Mitä korona-ajasta tulisi oppia? Miten jatkamme pandemian jälkeen eteenpäin? Pandemia kulkee edelleen mukanamme globaalisti vielä pitkään. Opetus- ja kasvatusalan ammattilaisten tulisi nähdä mahdollisuudet kehittymiseen ja siihen, miten jatkamme tästä eteenpäin. Kuinka kehitämme yhdessä sekä oppimista että hyvinvointia? Pasi Sahlbergin kanssa keskustelevat Peter Johnson ja Tarja Tuomainen.
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Links to earlier podcasts can be searched in OwlTail